

RAO Nian, former head coach of the Hubei Province Table Tennis Team in China, is both an accomplished National Master Athlete and an experienced National Senior Table Tennis Coach. As an athlete, she teamed with Olympic champions CHEN Jing and QIAO Hong in the Hubei Province Table Tennis Team, and harvested gold, silver, and bronze medals in many national and international tournaments. She started her career as a table tennis coach in Hubei Province Table Tennis Team in 1990, and started coaching young children for Yingdong Table Tennis School since 1998. Among the numerous accomplished students she has produced, YU Jingwei was the Gold Medal champion in the World University Games in 2001.
WANG Lijuan, 原河南省乒乓球队优秀运动员,国家一级运动员,直板长胶打法,师从于世界冠军葛新爱。她曾在国家、省、市级各类比赛中,多次获得个人及团体金、银、铜牌的好成绩。曾与世界名将邓亚萍、瓦尔德内尔、佩尔森等合作参加比赛,积累了大量的乒乓球实战经验和技法。她的长胶打法变化多,速度快,球路广,让对手捉摸不透,难以招架,是一个名副其实的“怪球手”。在她教练过的众多成人和青少年选手中,有许多人成绩明显提高,成为了乒乓球高手。